- tummy not feeling well for the past whole week..its such a torture!!!
- finally finished my intra sem 3 exam for biomed..i didnt study due to tummy ache T.T
- biomed presentation was ok i guess..presenting in front of 7lecturers was freaking scary O.o n the most scary part was when all the lecturers keep throwing question and they did not give any time allowance for us to think about the answers..so kinda screwed up the Q&A part..*crossed fingers*
- microbio's project report was a piece of shit..honestly i really did my best but i know my work was just not good enough..well what can i expect for a last minute work..just pray that i'll at least get a pass for the report..not asking for more..just a pass would do *crossed fingers*
- worked at Pink concert at Burswood Dome last friday and saturday..it was fun and easy job..get to watch the concert for free after work =D it was AWESOME!!!!! ^^
- weather is getting colder..i hate the strong howling wind as it activate my headache..and rain rain please go away >.<
- going to work at Pussycat Doll concert at Burswood Dome this saturday ^^
- going to start my revision today....ahhh i want to pass and yes i'm so gonna pass no matter how hard it is going to be *wish me lots of luck*
24052009..8months anniversary..been waiting for this from u yesterday but in the end u didn't mentioned anything..guessed that u've forgotten about this..don't blame u for it tho..i know u're stressed with ur exam..anyways..if u're reading this, i guess by now u should know the reason behind the scene of midnite and this morning =]
p/s: iloveyou.imissyou