Monday, May 25, 2009

a brief note

woot...haven't been blogging for 1whole month..nothing much happened tho..i guess i'll just do a brief update
  • tummy not feeling well for the past whole week..its such a torture!!!
  • finally finished my intra sem 3 exam for biomed..i didnt study due to tummy ache T.T
  • biomed presentation was ok i guess..presenting in front of 7lecturers was freaking scary O.o n the most scary part was when all the lecturers keep throwing question and they did not give any time allowance for us to think about the kinda screwed up the Q&A part..*crossed fingers*
  • microbio's project report was a piece of shit..honestly i really did my best but i know my work was just not good enough..well what can i expect for a last minute work..just pray that i'll at least get a pass for the report..not asking for more..just a pass would do *crossed fingers*
  • worked at Pink concert at Burswood Dome last friday and was fun and easy job..get to watch the concert for free after work =D it was AWESOME!!!!! ^^
  • weather is getting colder..i hate the strong howling wind as it activate my headache..and rain rain please go away >.<
  • going to work at Pussycat Doll concert at Burswood Dome this saturday ^^
  • going to start my revision today....ahhh i want to pass and yes i'm so gonna pass no matter how hard it is going to be *wish me lots of luck*
love my babe ^^ so glad to have him walking down the road with me ^^ there's this moment when there's laughters, tears, arguments, emoness, sadness, happiness, craziness..although we're 4000km apart, distance is definitely not a problem for us..our bond for each other continues to grow stronger and tighter every single day
24052009..8months anniversary..been waiting for this from u yesterday but in the end u didn't mentioned anything..guessed that u've forgotten about this..don't blame u for it tho..i know u're stressed with ur exam..anyways..if u're reading this, i guess by now u should know the reason behind the scene of midnite and this morning =]

p/s: iloveyou.imissyou


vivian said...

wow..7lecturers???last yr we presented in front of 4 lecturers only..oh should be john bolton keep asking qs hey??told ya to drop ur micro 2 n take sth else...WTH u worked at PINK concert n PUSSYCAT DOLL?????celaka where u get such a gd kantao??dear wear winter cap la u...ok u 2 damn sweet enuf..envyyyy

michelle said...

hey i guess my group is lucky as we only presented in front of 2 lecturers..good luck for ur micro bio report..n goodluck for ur did u snap any pic at pink concert??gimme ur shift for pussycat doll!!!!!!love bird awww

jonas said...

d same thg will happen if u're thinkin of doing phd..goodluck girl..u sure can pass all ur units..dun woli too monday exam u still can go work on saturday????u better stay home n study lah..rain rain has gone away for these few wad scene is tat?????????

tony said...

7lects is i'll b shaking n tremblin like hell up there for concert was awesome..but y d hell did i not c u there???good luck for all ur papers..u sure can do it..gambateh